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Parkeray: Fundraising All Year Round

2017 was a fantastic year for fundraising for Parkeray. Our staff lent their hand to a number of challenges and tasks outside of their comfort zones to raise money for charity.

Our cycling team set the bar high at the beginning of the year and raised over £10,000 for Coram by taking part in Cycle to MIPIM – a 1,500km ride from London to Cannes. A range of other events and activities shortly followed such as the London Richmond Duathlon, and Prudential Ride100 London, which generated over £1,500 for the MSA Trust.

Our staff’s appetite for fundraising didn’t stop there. The Parkeray Challenge team raised £13,500 for the British Heart Foundation with their annual walk, which saw 14 staff members complete the 84-mile coast-to-coast walk along Hadrian’s Wall Path, in just three days. We also hosted our first industry 5-A-Side Football tournament with our clients and subcontractors which raised £2,850 for GOSH.

In September, would-be British Bake-Off contenders let their baking skills do the talking for Macmillan’s Coffee Morning while raising over £200.

We topped off the year with a very festive Christmas Jumper Day, which always creates the perfect opportunity to come together for our annual staff photo – taking our fundraising total to £29,900 for the year! Well done to everyone who took part.

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