Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement


Forced, bonded or compulsory labour, human trafficking and other kinds of slavery and servitude represent some of the gravest forms of human rights abuse in any society and will not be tolerated within our operations or our supply chain.

This is our ninth public statement made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 through which we seek to set out our current approaches and policies, while at the same time begin to demonstrate how we intend to act moving forward and build upon year on year.


Parkeray is an established London-based construction group that operates in the South of England, focusing primarily on the interior fitting out of commercial offices. Parkeray Limited (8670500) the Parent has three wholly owned trading subsidiary undertakings:

• Parkeray Interiors Limited (Provision of Interior fit-out services – broadly for works above £250k) (3493453)

• Parkeray Lite Limited (Provision of Interior fit-out services- broadly for works up to £250k (11537335)

• Parkeray Trustees Limited (Non-trading) (8670497)

Our 2024 turnover was £145M million delivered across 170 + projects ranging in value from a few thousand up to £13 million; in doing so, Parkeray directly employed 180 staff members. (Year-end closing number)


We appreciate that Parkeray does not exist in isolation and that pretty much everything we do has a social and environmental impact in some form or another. We care about this and hold ourselves accountable and responsible for our actions. In doing so, we are heavily reliant on our workforce and our supply chain partners.

Our Social Justice Policy underpins everything we do; it is a mandatory requirement which extends to every individual working for or on behalf of Parkeray. It requires all of us to act ethically and always comply with legal requirements, putting our principles into practice in everything we do. Such is the culture of the company; we are confident suspected breaches of this policy will be raised and addressed appropriately.


The vast majority of our work is undertaken within Central London and to ensure fairness; all of our employees are paid significantly above the London Living wage with our younger employees on training contracts being paid well above the minimum wage for those up to 22 and well above the National Living Wage for those aged 23 and above. Payments are made by bank transfer with no payments made through third-party bank accounts.

All employees are required to provide evidence of their eligibility to live and work in the UK.


We have a formal agreement with two agencies to provide us with temporary staff as and when required. The agreements are renewed annually with twice yearly reviews. The Agencies are aware of the need to adhere to our Social Justice Policy; a commitment to which is a pre-curser to any continued involvement. The Agencies are required to bear the responsibility for vetting their candidates for their eligibility to work in the UK. Our HR team undertakes spot checks on this vetting process during the year.


All subcontractors and suppliers are made aware of and are required to adhere to our Social Justice Policy.

By its very nature, the construction supply chain is complex and there are often many tiers of suppliers between Parkeray and the source of the raw materials; often with procured services and materials flowing from all parts of the world.

Our commitment to our Social Justice Policy extends downwards through the supply chain. A supplier that we have a direct and contractual arrangement with (a Tier 1 supplier) in turn bears the responsibility for ensuring, as far as is practical, compliance across their direct supply chain (Tier 2 suppliers) and so on.


Our assessment of risk can be categorised under four headings; directly employed staff, materials directly procured, agency labour and bona-fide subcontractors. Based on a proportion of turnover spend and our assessment of the level of controls currently in place, we have assessed our level of risk and exposure as follows:


We recognise that human rights can only be realised through an informed and continued demand for their protection, in doing so we understand for us to play a part in this process, we will need to find ways to educate and raise awareness of the problems the world faces with modern slavery and human trafficking.

To that end, our staff members all undertake comprehensive training to get a better understanding of modern slavery and human trafficking. The training provided our staff with an awareness of the signs of exploitation and trafficking. The course also taught best practice methods for talking to victims and understanding the barriers that prevent victims from trusting and co-operating with the authorities. Following training, there was a better understanding of how victims are trafficked, how to support victims and practical information regarding the National Referral Mechanism. Refresher training will be undertaken as a matter of course.

We realised that it is important that the training we provide to our employees is targeted to have the best effect; our risk profiling identifies that the strongest need and biggest area of exposure is that of modern slavery within our supply chain. Because of its complex nature, we are looking to continue working with external organisations such as ‘’ and as registered members we have access to their website and a monthly newsletter.

Over the course of the coming year, we will be meeting with stronger2gether to identify how best we can continue to provide guidance and good practice advice in preventing, uncovering, and reporting slavery and human trafficking, that may be occurring within any part of our business.


Moving forward, we intend to utilise our current period of trading to identify planned actions for our staff base and supply chain to increase awareness, transparency and to help to effect change. This is a platform upon which we seek to build upon annually.




Phil Pearce
Group Board | CEO

January 2025

Parkeray’s COVID-19 Update

Please click here for an update on our current status and approach to COVID-19.