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Parkeray Receives RoSPA Presidents Award for Health and Safety

We are super chuffed to be awarded our 13th consecutive RoSPA Gold (President’s Award) for demonstrating high health and safety standards throughout 2020.

The RoSPA Awards scheme is the longest-running of its kind in the UK, but it receives entries from organisations across the globe, making it one of the most sought-after achievement awards for health and safety worldwide.

Julia Small, RoSPA’s achievements director, said: “RoSPA is very proud of the achievements of its entrants, and with this award we recognise the best of the best, those organisations that have gone the extra mile, raising the bar for the delivery of safety in the workplace.”

We are especially delighted to be recognised with this prestigious award during one of the most challenging times in human history, as we worked to ensure the safety of our workforce, supply chain and clients throughout the pandemic.

Kudos to our fab health & safety team led by Terry Tracey and Paul Makoff-Clark, our subcontractors and staff, for ensuring everyone gets home safely to their families at the end of every working day.

Parkeray’s COVID-19 Update

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