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The Partnership of Respect at the PPF

Parkeray CEO Mike Murray & Senior H&S Manager Terry Tracey

On Wednesday 10 July Parkeray hosted its annual meet up with its supply chain at the Royal College of Physicians for the Parkeray Partnership Forum (PPF).

The theme for this year’s forum centred on our core value of ‘Respect’ which underpins our working relationships and safety culture.

First up on stage was Parkeray CEO Mike Murray, who opened the event with an informal overview of the business, which included a retrospective look at projects delivered over the past year. Up next on stage was Senior Health & Safety Manager Terry Tracey, who discussed health & safety standards on Parkeray sites, while touching on the latest innovations and legislation in the sector.

Mike Murray on stage

A spot of networking followed the presentation offering the chance to catch up with Parkeray peeps and fellow associates and there was a delicious spread of breakfast refreshments which always go down a treat.

As a growing business, the PPF provides the opportunity to meet directly with our supply chain members, build on our working relationships and put names to faces. It’s a staple in the Parkeray calendar. 

We look forward to doing it all again next year!

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